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IcCube - Leaves in Pivot table

If I have a parent-child-dimension, whose data I show in the IcCube/PivotTable and I want to show the leaves only (with descendants([categories].[categories].[All-M],,leaves)), those leaves are shown hierarchically. So a level5 leave of one category is suddenly the parent of a level6 leave of the next category.

Is there a way to "flatten" this tree, so that those leaves are all shown on one level and not sorted in the tree wrongly?

EDIT: Here is a query:

NON EMPTY { [Measures].[group_quality] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { TopCount(descendants([categories].[categories].[Level$0].[Portal],,leaves),30,[Measures].[revenue_potential]) } ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]

All categories in the picture are leaves, so none of them has any children.


  • As workaround for that case you can use simple CSS dirty-hack.

    1) First of all under Widget option tab of your widget you should set Hide icons to yes.

    2) After this, to avoid collision with other Pivot Tables, add custom CSS class

    Custom CSS class

    3) Add these styles to Report CSS.

    .pt-flattened .pt-hcont{
        margin-left: 0 !important    