I am using the eBay API and @davidtstadler's SDK to revise ebay listings.
I am using eBay business policies for payment methods, shipping costs and returns. I can retrieve my business policy id's using BusinessPoliciesManagementService but how do I revise an item to use the policies for payment, shipping and returns.
I cannot find any examples in the API documentation.
The correct way to set Business Policy ID's for Payment, Returns and Shipping is
// Business PROFILES
$item->SellerProfiles = new Types\SellerProfilesType();
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerPaymentProfile = new Types\SellerPaymentProfileType();
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerPaymentProfile->PaymentProfileID = 1234567890;
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerReturnProfile = new Types\SellerReturnProfileType();
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerReturnProfile->ReturnProfileID = 1234567890;
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerShippingProfile = new Types\SellerShippingProfileType();
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerShippingProfile->ShippingProfileName = 1234567890;