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c# csvfile to array

I had a .csv file with many lines and 3 columns (separated by ';') with numbers, which I convert to double array[][] Now I've added to more columns of numbers and get an error:

FormatException -> Input string was not in a correct format

I can't find whats wrong because files are identical (but with 2 more columns) My code:

OpenFileDialog fD = new OpenFileDialog();
fD.Title = "select";
fD.Filter = "csv files|*.csv";
fD.InitialDirectory = @"path here";
if (fD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

double[][] termom = File.ReadLines(fD.FileName)
    .Select(l => l.Split(';')
        .Select(n => double.Parse(n))

Edit Thanks for help with edit - not very used to commands here. Hope i added file right original improved


  • Your file res1.csv (providing that it should contain double values only) has some syntax errors, e.g.


    What is the meaning of 01,06,1974? Shall we ignore commas (treat them as, say, some kind of thousands separator)? Or is it a date (1 June 1974)? Yet another possibility is that , is a deriver, so we have three separate values: 1, 6 and 1974

    In case you want to ignore commas (and thus 01,06,1974 will be 1061974.0), just specify InvariantCulture while parsing:

    double[][] termom = File.ReadLines(fD.FileName)
      .Select(l => l.Split(';')
        .Select(n => double.Parse(n, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

    If you want to treat , as a deriver (and thus 01,06,1974 will be [1.0, 6.0, 1974.0])

    double[][] termom = File.ReadLines(fD.FileName)
      .Select(l => l.Split(';', ',') // ',' is a deriver as well as ';'
        .Select(n => double.Parse(n, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))