I am trying to use a variable from my GameScene.swift file on my GameViewController.swift file to time my interstitial ads appropriately. It's a boolean value that determines if my player is dead or not.
var died = Bool()
That's all I did to create the variable in my GameScene.
When died == true
in my GameScene, I want to send that to my GameViewController and then show an interstitial ad. How can I pass a boolean between scenes?
You can follow these steps.
Do this in your GameScene:
protocol PlayerDeadDelegate {
func didPlayerDeath(player:SKSpriteNode)
class GameScene: SKScene {
var playerDeadDelegate:PlayerDeadDelegate?
// during your game flow the player dead and you do:
In the GameViewController
you do:
class GameViewController: UIViewController,PlayerDeadDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let scene = GameScene(fileNamed:"GameScene") {
scene.playerDeadDelegate = self
func didPlayerDeath(player:SKSpriteNode) {
print("GameViewController: the player is dead now!!!")
// do whatever you want with the property player..