I have an array that has two other associative arrays within it:
var coinToss = [];
coinToss["FlipNumber"]; coinToss["Result"];
I already have the randomizer function working and everything. I just need help on totaling the sum of all 'heads' and 'tails'.
I tried doing:
for (var i = 0; i < coinToss.length; i++)
var headCount = 0, tailCount = 0;
if (coinToss["Result"] === 'heads')
document.getElementByID.innerHTML += "Heads: " + headCount + " " + "Tails: " + tailCount + "<br>";
But it only prints out each separate results such as, for example for 5 coin flips:
//*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 *
//*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 *
//*Heads: 0 Tails: 1 *
//*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 *
//*Heads: 0 Tails: 0 *
What I want is to add up all the 'heads' and add up all the 'tails' separately. How come it resets back to 0 every time the loop reiterates?
EDIT as requested:
function coinFlip() {
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) === 0) ? 'heads' : 'tails';
for (var x = 0; x < 6 (/*i.e. number of coin toss*/); x++)
var coinToss = [];
coinToss["flipNumber"] = /*varies by user input*/;
coinToss["Result"] = (coinFlip());
/*a print code that prints Flip Number: () and Result: ()*/
This should get you started:
// Make sure you're declaring your variables outside of the for loop:
// I'm not sure what your actual array looks like, but let's say it looks something like this:
var arr = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1];
arr["Result"] = "heads";
var headCount = 0, tailCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr["Result"] === "heads")
headCount += arr[i];
tailCount += arr[i];
console.log("Heads: " + headCount + " " + "Tails: " + tailCount);