I have a UItabbarviewcontroller
tabVC as root view controller, and tabA have a navigationcontroller naviA, tabB have a navigationcontroller naviB. naviA and naviB both have a bunch of viewcontrollers.
Now I want to switch from VC1 to VC2 programmatically. VC1 is embeeded in naviA, and VC2 is embeeded in naviB.
Here is what I did:
The problems shows up. when I am pushing to VC2, the system deault backbutton item shows up for about 1 second and disappears.
I set the left bar button item as my custom back button. There shouldn't be a system back button item.
The back button item doesn't shows when I tab the tabviewcontroller and click the button to push to VC2 by my finger(not programmatically).
how to avoid to show the system default back button?
After digging around, My workaround is using [self.navigationController pushViewController:VC2 animated:NO] in step 3 rather than [self.navigationController pushViewController:VC2 animated:YES]
Should block the animation.