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Proper way to test Django signals

I'm trying to test sent signal and it's providing_args. Signal triggered inside contact_question_create view just after form submission.

My TestCase is something like:

    def test_form_should_post_proper_data_via_signal(self):
        form_data = {'name': 'Jan Nowak'}
        signals.question_posted.send(sender='test', form_data=form_data)
        @receiver(signals.question_posted, sender='test')
        def question_posted_listener(sender, form_data):
   = form_data['name']
        eq_(, 'Jan Nowak')

Is this the proper way to test this signal? Any better ideas?


  • I've resolved the problem by myself. I think that the best solution is following:

        def test_form_should_post_proper_data_via_signal(self):
            # define the local listener
            def question_posted_listener(sender, form_data, **kwargs):
       = form_data['name']
            # prepare fake data
            form_data = {'name': 'Jan Nowak'}
            # connect & send the signal
            signals.question_posted.connect(question_posted_listener, sender='test')
            signals.question_posted.send(sender='test', form_data=form_data)
            # check results
            eq_(, 'Jan Nowak')