I'm trying to get the near method from geocoder gem working with a model that is associated with another model. I have 2 models restaurants and menus, menus belongs to restaurants. I have a form with a search method in each model, the near method works with my restaurants model
def self.search_for(params)
restaurants = Restaurant.where(category_id: params[:category].to_i)
restaurants = restaurants.near(params[:location],2) if params[:location].present?
I'm searching for a restaurant near the user that sells a dish the user has entered, however the code gives a no method error (undefined method 'restaurants'
def self.search_for_menus(params)
menus=Menu.where("dish LIKE ?", "%#{params[:dish]}%") if params[:dish].present?
menus= menus.restaurants.near(params[:location],2) if params[:location].present?
In my console I am able to do m=Menu.find(11)
then m.restaurant
which returns that restaurant object and can further do m.restaurant.address
which gives the address for geocoder near method to work, so I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.
Edited Code:
def self.search_for_menus(params)
menus=Menu.where("dish LIKE ?", "%#{params[:dish]}%") if params[:dish].present?
rest_menu = []
menus.each do |menu|
rest_menu << menu.restaurant.nearbys(params[:location],2) if params[:location].present?
Found a solution, it requires a join on the parent model and a reverse geocode
reverse_geocoded_by "restaurants.latitude", "restaurants.longitude"
def self.search_for_menus(params)
menus=Menu.where("dish LIKE ?", "%#{params[:dish]}%") if params[:dish].present?
menus= menus.joins(:restaurant).near(params[:location],2)