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Why is Wamp server giving errors when I use Composer?

I'm trying to use the API of a dutch site that's being used by schools in The Netherlands to keep track of the grades and other data of the students. You can find the documantation here: (it's in Dutch). I installed Wamp server and Composer, just like the documentation of the API tells. I also have the Curl PHP extension and Mcrypt PHP extension enabled in Wamp, just like the documentation tells. I have the composer.json file in the project root with:

   "require": {
      "stanvk/magister": "~2.0"

I then executed Composer update.

The only code that I have is:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Magister\Magister;
use Magister\Models\Grade\Grade;

new Magister($school, $username, $password);

$grades = Grade::all();

foreach ($grades as $grade)
        echo $grade->CijferStr;

It's the exact same code as given as example on the documentation website.

But when I then run it, I get these errors:


I tried a lot to solve the problem, but I can't seem to figure it out. It's the first time I'm using composer and packagist.


  • The first two errors are unrelated to composer or Wamp - you're simply using two variables that hasn't been defined, $username and $password (and possibly $school). The rest of the errors seems to stem from these having no value (the Magister object seems to try to request, and without a username .. that field is empty).

    Provide the correct username and password and things will probably work as you expect.