I have a question from last few days. I basically have three fragments in a TabActivity, Fragment A, Fragment B and Fragment C. All three Fragments contain a list of CardView of approximately 14 CardViews in single Fragment. This three Fragment share same layouts with same cardview with same id. There is a button in each CardView and i want to start different activity's when clicked on that button. But I cant do it because id for button is same and I want to start activity's when that button is clicked from different Fragments. I am using RecyclerView for this. It means I have 14 buttons in a Fragment and there are three Fragments.
If the button is in recyclerView, you can set a click listener of that button in XML, which will be called in Your Activity. Now your recyclerView adapter , set a tag which will be the position of the cell to you your button.
Now, in your main activity, create an integer variable named
int currentSelectedTab = 0;
and then do this on your TabChange listener.;
mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
selectedTab = position;
public void onPageSelected(int position) {
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
Now you will always have the current selected tabPosition.
And in clicklistener in your Activity do this ::
public void myOnClick(View v) {
if(current selectedTab == 1)
if(v.getId === R.id.btn1)
// it means btn of Fragment 1 is clicked
// same goes for other button clicks
// and for the index of button
// v.getTag() it will you which cell's button was clicked
In your cardView xml :