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Performance profiling in acceptance/ functional tests

I use a simple acceptance test that does the following:

  • Loads the start page of the website;
  • Performs authorization attempt;
  • Performs logout attempt;
  • Performs register attempt.

Each functionality is tested in several steps, for example -

$I->wantTo('Try to login with right credentials'); // step 1
$I->amOnPage('/user/login');                       // step 2
$I->fillField('#login-form-login','admin');        // step 3
$I->fillField('#login-form-password','admin');     // step 4
$I->click('#login-form button[type=submit]');      // step 5
$I->seeCurrentUrlEquals('/user/admin');            // step 6

I want to know how long performed each set of steps/ individual step.

Since all the functions are collected together in one test, the result of running this command is present a report that shows the time that was spent on the entire test as a whole.

codecept run acceptance --html

Is it possible in Codeception make group of steps (some markers, may be..) and show time that spent for perform these groups?


  • You can add the following code to the FunctionalTester or helper class:

    class FunctionalTester extends \Codeception\Actor {
        private $firstTimeTag;
        private $secondTimeTag;
        public function markFirstTimeTag()
            $this->firstTimeTag = new DateTime();
        public function markSecondTimeTag()
            $this->secondTimeTag = new DateTime();
        public function calculateTheDiffFor($step)
            echo $step.": ". round($this->secondTimeTag->getTimestamp() -
                    $this->firstTimeTag->getTimestamp(), 3). " s\n";

    And then use this actions in Cept/ Cest files:

    $I->wantTo('Try to login with right credentials'); // step 1
    $I->amOnPage('/user/login');                       // step 2
    $I->fillField('#login-form-login','admin');        // step 3
    $I->fillField('#login-form-password','admin');     // step 4
    $I->click('#login-form button[type=submit]');      // step 5
    $I->calculateTheDiffFor("Login attempt");
    $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals('/user/admin');            // step 6

    The output can be seen in the Jenkin's logs, for example.