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Running Protractor tests on Browserstack Automate

I'm developing an AngularJS app and want to do end-2-end testing with Protractor. I would like to benefit from the suite of test browsers available at Browserstack and run the tests on Browserstack Automate instead of a local Selenium server.

How do I set up a system to run these tests?


  • Protractor from version 3.0.0 onwards has added inbuilt support for BrowserStack.

    You simply need to add the following two parameters in your conf.js to launch the test on BrowserStack:

    browserstackUser: '<username>'
    browserstackKey: '<automate-key>'

    Your username and automate key can be found here, after you have logged in to your account.

    Hence, lets say you wish to run your test on Chrome 50 / OS X Yosemite, your conf.js should look something like this:

    exports.config = {
      specs: ['spec.js'],
      browserstackUser: '<username>',
      browserstackKey: '<automate-key>',
      capabilities: {
        browserName: 'Chrome',
        browser_version: '50.0',
        os: 'OS X',
        os_version: 'Yosemite'

    If you wish to run tests in parallel on different browser and OS combinations, you can use the multiCapabilities as given below:

    exports.config = {
      specs: ['spec.js'],
      browserstackUser: '<username>',
      browserstackKey: '<automate-key>',
      multiCapabilities: [
            browserName: 'Safari',
            browser_version: '8.0',
            os: 'OS X',
            os_version: 'Yosemite'
           browserName: 'Firefox',
           browser_version: '30.0',
           os: 'Windows',
           os_version: '7'
           browserName: 'iPhone',
           platform: 'MAC',
           device: 'iPhone 5S'

    Some helpful links:

    1. Code Generator - Helps you configure the capabilities to test on different various browser and OS combinations especially mobile devices.

    2. Sample Github project for Protractor-BrowserStack - This should help you get started.