I have following problem with nested routings... I'm not able to do it.
Used technologies: AngularJS, RequireJS; AngularAMD, Angular Route.
So... first of all I want to show my main routing:
app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $translateProvider) {
templateUrl : "app/src/home/HomeController.html",
controller : "HomeController",
controllerUrl : "app/src/home/HomeController.js"
templateUrl : "app/src/home/HomeController.html",
controller : "HomeController",
controllerUrl : "app/src/home/HomeController.js"
As you can see I'm redirecting the pathes '/' and '/overview/' to 'app/src/home/HomeController.html'.
In HomeController.html I'm loading sub controller and views like this:
<div ng-include="'app/src/home/'+currentLocation+'/index.html'">
while currentLocation is the path itself. So / and /overview/ in this case. And in my controller:
So I'm forced to include my controllers as dependencies before loading the view. So I wanted to know if there's a proper way doing these routes in Angular and RequireJS?
Thanks in advance. :)
for your problem you need to use nested state. using ng-include based on lactation path is definitely not a good solution. One more suggestion, Please use $stateProvide , It has better features than routeProvider. You can read out their comparison.
For your problem solution could be like this: https://scotch.io/tutorials/angularjs-multi-step-form-using-ui-router
// app.js
// create our angular app and inject ngAnimate and ui-router
// =============================================================================
angular.module('formApp', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.router'])
// configuring our routes
// =============================================================================
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// route to show our basic form (/form)
.state('form', {
url: '/form',
templateUrl: 'form.html',
controller: 'formController'
// nested states
// each of these sections will have their own view
// url will be nested (/form/profile)
.state('form.profile', {
url: '/profile',
templateUrl: 'form-profile.html'
// url will be /form/interests
.state('form.interests', {
url: '/interests',
templateUrl: 'form-interests.html'
// url will be /form/payment
.state('form.payment', {
url: '/payment',
templateUrl: 'form-payment.html'
// catch all route
// send users to the form page