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Angular-nvD3(krispo) single line chart with ng-repeat

I'm trying to render different charts from an array named $scope.dataset with ng-repeat but it is not happening.

<div ng-repeat="data in dataset">
   <nvd3 options="options" data="data" class="with-3d-shadow with-transitions"></nvd3>

But I get this in firefox console-

Error: is not a function

So I tried to put the same code in their plunkr - linechart-nvd3, and that did not work either. However the graph renders when I use the whole array i.e. $scope.dataset rather than using ng-repeat. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Try this code in your sinAndCos() method:

    //Line chart data should be sent as an array of series objects.
                return [
                        values: sin,      //values - represents the array of {x,y} data points
                        key: 'Sine Wave', //key  - the name of the series.
                        color: '#ff7f0e',  //color - optional: choose your own line color.
                        strokeWidth: 2,
                        classed: 'dashed'
                        values: cos,
                        key: 'Cosine Wave',
                        color: '#2ca02c'
                        values: sin2,
                        key: 'Another sine wave',
                        color: '#7777ff',
                        area: true      //area - set to true if you want this line to turn into a filled area chart.

    So put the same code in your plunkr -

    Note: Angular-nvD3 chart you have to send array of object. Here I send each element as a array of object. Now if you use ng-repeat then it will work perfectly.