Say I'd like to create an introspection stanza, that displays available details of a function.
Something like the bottom of the following code:
def sample(_range=4):
""" produce a range of integers """
for i in range(_range):
yield i
f = sample
for i in (f.__name__, f.__doc__, f.__dict__, f.__code__, f.__defaults__, f.__globals__, f.__closure__):
print("XXX", i)
What I'm failing to achieve is changing the XXX
to something that would print the attribute name, e.g., instead of
XXX sample
XXX produce a range of integers
XXX {}
XXX <code object sample at 0xfff15890, file "/tmp/", line 1>
XXX (4,)
XXX {'__loader__': <_frozen_importlib.SourceFileLoader object at 0xfff13b30>, '__package__': None, '__file__': '/tmp/', '__cached__': None, 'i': {...}, 'f': <function sample at 0xfff5b1e0>, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__doc__': None, '__spec__': None, '__name__': '__main__', 'sample': <function sample at 0xfff5b1e0>}
XXX None
I'd like to have
__name__ sample
__doc__ produce a range of integers
__dict__ {}
__code__ <code object sample at 0xfff15890, file "/tmp/", line 1>
__defaults__ (4,)
f.__globals__ {'__loader__': <_frozen_importlib.SourceFileLoader object at 0xfff13b30>, '__package__': None, '__file__': '/tmp/', '__cached__': None, 'i': {...}, 'f': <function sample at 0xfff5b1e0>, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__doc__': None, '__spec__': None, '__name__': '__main__', 'sample': <function sample at 0xfff5b1e0>}
__closure__ None
What would you suggest should replace XXX
If, as in your example, you know the names of the attributes you want, this would work:
for fn in ('__name__', '__doc__', '__dict__', '__code__', '__defaults__', '__globals__', '__closure__'):
print(fn, getattr(f, fn))
If you are asking how to get the name when all you have is the function, then I believe you are out of luck; the name isn't a property of the function, but rather how it is referenced, much as you can't ask what the name of the variable containing the number 3 is just from the number. (Thought exercise: what would the name be for a function that is part of 3 distinct objects, each under a different name?)
I suppose, if you wanted the name of a function in a particular object, you could iterate over the attributes of that object, searching for your function; when you find it, the name you used to reference it would be the one you want.