I am trying to create an ObservableList() to use with my Tableview. The StringData type is a class containing two SimpleStringProperty var. I want to create this list and bind each variable to an specific position of a List. Something like this:
public class DownloadService implements Runnable {
//List that will be updated
public List<SimpleStringProperty> dList = new ArrayList<SimpleStringProperty>();
public class MainScreenController implements Initializable {
//List that populates TV
private ObservableList<DataString> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private TableView<DataString> tbl_table;
DownloadService download;
public class DataString{
public final SimpleStringProperty state;
public final SimpleStringProperty sinc;
public SimpleStringProperty stateProperty() {
return state;
public void setState(String status) {
public SimpleStringProperty sincProperty() {
return sinc;
public void setSinc(String sinc) {
On MainScreenController I try to do this:
DataString s = new DataString();
s.state.bind (download.dList.get(data.size()));
s.sinc.bind (download.dList.get(data.size()));
However, I cannot update the content of data when I update the list on DownloadService. I believe it should update the value of the column associated with the state and sinc variable everytime DownloadService updated the content of the list in each position. I am doing something wrong or is there another way to bind a StringProperty to a position on the list?
You are binding to the specific object inside the list, not to the position. If using SimpleStringProperty
in dList isn't strict requirement, than you can use Bindings.stringValueAt()
StringBinding binding = Bindings.stringValueAt(dList, index);
If you really need SimpleStringProperty
, you can implement custom StringBinding
, something like this:
class CustomStringBinding extends StringBinding {
private ObservableList<SimpleStringProperty> op;
private int index;
public CustomStringBinding(ObservableList<SimpleStringProperty> list, int index) {
this.op = list;
this.index = index;
super.bind(op, op.get(index));
public void dispose() {
super.unbind(op, op.get(index));
protected String computeValue() {
try {
return op.get(index).get();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
// log
return null;
public ObservableList<?> getDependencies() {
return FXCollections.singletonObservableList(op);