Is it possible for me to add a new layer (for a different loss) with Caffe? How can I do it using Matlab or Python?
Yes, you can add a custom loss function with pycaffe. Here is an example of Euclidean loss layer in python (taken from Caffe Github repo). You need to provide the loss function in forward function and it's gradient in backward method:
import caffe
import numpy as np
class EuclideanLossLayer(caffe.Layer):
Compute the Euclidean Loss in the same manner as the C++ EuclideanLossLayer
to demonstrate the class interface for developing layers in Python.
def setup(self, bottom, top):
# check input pair
if len(bottom) != 2:
raise Exception("Need two inputs to compute distance.")
def reshape(self, bottom, top):
# check input dimensions match
if bottom[0].count != bottom[1].count:
raise Exception("Inputs must have the same dimension.")
# difference is shape of inputs
self.diff = np.zeros_like(bottom[0].data, dtype=np.float32)
# loss output is scalar
def forward(self, bottom, top):
self.diff[...] = bottom[0].data - bottom[1].data
top[0].data[...] = np.sum(self.diff**2) / bottom[0].num / 2.
def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
for i in range(2):
if not propagate_down[i]:
if i == 0:
sign = 1
sign = -1
bottom[i].diff[...] = sign * self.diff / bottom[i].num
Save it as for example. You can then use the python layer in your prototxt file to load it:
layer {
type: 'Python'
name: 'loss'
top: 'loss'
bottom: 'ipx'
bottom: 'ipy'
python_param {
# the module name -- usually the filename -- that needs to be in $PYTHONPATH
module: 'pyloss'
# the layer name -- the class name in the module
layer: 'EuclideanLossLayer'
# set loss weight so Caffe knows this is a loss layer.
# since PythonLayer inherits directly from Layer, this isn't automatically
# known to Caffe
loss_weight: 1
Or in your python script:
n.loss = L.Python(n.ipx, n.ipy,python_param=dict(module='pyloss',layer='EuclideanLossLayer'),
Just be very careful in computing and implemeting the gradient (backward function) since it tends to be error-prone.