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Rails 4 - Pundit - policies not working

I'm trying to figure out how to use Pundit in my Rails 4 app.

I have a project model, with a projects controller that has a new action in it:

def new
# a bunch of stuff in the new action that I don't think is very relevant here


I then have a project policy in my policies folder that has:

def new?
        # create?

    def create?


I expect that I should not be able to type url/projects/new in my website because the policy shouldn't allow it. But, I can, and the form renders and I can save it.

Does anyone see what I've done wrong in setting this up?


  • Few things to check because you didn't mention them in your question:

    1. Add include Pundit to the controller

    2. Add authorize [model_instance] in new action and create action

    The official should give you plenty of instruction.