i have a client XMPP and i have never received a CONNECTION_DRAINING message so that i have that question, how often exactly CCS needs to close down a connection to perform load balancing?
this is part of my code where i verify if i receive a CONNECTION_DRAINING message
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def message_callback(session, message):
global unacked_messages_quota
gcmData = message.getTags('data:gcm')
if gcmData:
print "alert, the connection is being drained and will be closed soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
gcm = message.getTags('gcm')
if gcm:
gcm_json = gcm[0].getData()
msg = json.loads(gcm_json)
if not msg.has_key('message_type'):
# Acknowledge the incoming message immediately.
send({'to': msg['from'],
'message_type': 'ack',
'message_id': msg['message_id']})
.......................................................... more code
i have read the docs from https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/ccs
specifically this part
Periodically, CCS needs to close down a connection to perform load balancing. Before it closes the connection, CCS sends a CONNECTION_DRAINING message to indicate that the connection is being drained and will be closed soon. "Draining" refers to shutting off the flow of messages coming into a connection, but allowing whatever is already in the pipeline to continue. When you receive a CONNECTION_DRAINING message, you should immediately begin sending messages to another CCS connection, opening a new connection if necessary. You should, however, keep the original connection open and continue receiving messages that may come over the connection (and ACKing them)—CCS handles initiating a connection close when it is ready.
The CONNECTION_DRAINING message looks like this:
<data:gcm xmlns:data="google:mobile:data">
It is usually at least once a week, but can be much more frequent depending on the load.