I have a code snippet which loops through a list of hyperlink (file link) objects (members anchor
and destination
) and inserts them into a selected Word document. I can search the Word document and insert the hyperlink when it finds the target (anchor) string. I would now like to loop through all the StoryRanges
in the Word document to ensure that no sections is missed. I can get the number of story ranges, e.g., using WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Count
. However, I can't pass the parameter in the correct form to actually retrieve the story range I want to search next, e.g. WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Item
. I have a numeric count but Item
expects as a parameter a VBA constant with the correct type. What am I missing?
Edit Here is the code. The line causing the problem is
wdFootnotesStoryID = WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Item(??????)->get_ID();
I previously tried to typing parameters as int, OleVariant. The error message for OleVariant was did not match the parameter expected. I used wdFootnotesStory in an attempt to reference the enum but that came up as not defined. I tried Int values as well.
Here is the OLESafe enum - defined in Word_2k.h
enum class WdStoryType
wdMainTextStory = 1,
wdFootnotesStory = 2,
wdEndnotesStory = 3,
wdCommentsStory = 4,
wdTextFrameStory = 5,
wdEvenPagesHeaderStory = 6,
wdPrimaryHeaderStory = 7,
wdEvenPagesFooterStory = 8,
wdPrimaryFooterStory = 9,
wdFirstPageHeaderStory = 10,
wdFirstPageFooterStory = 11
Here is the main code.
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Main.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma link "Word_2K_SRVR"
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
struct THyperLink
String Anchor;
String FilePath;
TList* linkList = new TList;
TForm1 *Form1;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
THyperLink* link = new THyperLink;
link->Anchor = "ABC.0001.0002.0003";
link->FilePath = "S:\\Development\\WordLinking\\Test\\ABC.0001.0002.0003.pdf";
THyperLink* link2 = new THyperLink;
link2->Anchor = "ABC.0001.0002.0004";
link2->FilePath = "S:\\Development\\WordLinking\\Test\\ABC.0001.0002.0004.pdf";
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
OleVariant Template = EmptyParam();
OleVariant NewTemplate = False;
OleVariant ItemIndex = 1;
OleVariant strToInsert = "Insert String";
OleVariant endOfLine = "TEST";
OleVariant wdStory = 6;
//OleVariant wdMove = 0;
OleVariant rng;
OleVariant strSearch;// = "ABC.0001.0002.0003";
OleVariant strLink; // = "S:Development\\WordLinking\\Test\\ABC.0001.0002.0003.pdf";
OleVariant lnkDoc = "S:\\Development\\WordLinking\\Test\\ZZZ.0001.0002.0003.docx";
OleVariant wdCharacter = "wdCharacter";
OleVariant cChars = 18;
OleVariant wdMove = "wdMove";
OleVariant wdTrue = true;
OleVariant wrdStoryRangeCount;
OleVariant wdFootnotesStoryID;
OleVariant rangeStory;
OleVariant wrdDoc;
WdStoryType wdFootnotesStory = 2;
catch (...)
ShowMessage("Microsoft word is not installed");
//Make application visible
WordApplication1->GetDefaultInterface()->Visible = True;
//Open document to be linked
//Open new document - add to document collection in application
//WordApplication1->Documents->Add(Template, NewTemplate);
//go to top of the document
for (int index = 0; index <= linkList->Count-1; index++)
//Retrieve hyperlink object
THyperLink* link = reinterpret_cast<THyperLink*>(linkList->Items[index]);
strSearch = (OleVariant)link->Anchor;
strLink = (OleVariant)link->FilePath;
wrdStoryRangeCount = WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Count;
wdFootnotesStoryID = WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Item(??????)->get_ID();
ShowMessage ("wdFootnotesStory ID: " + wdFootnotesStoryID);
while (WordApplication1->Selection->Find->Execute(strSearch,Template,Template,Template,Template,Template,wdTrue))
//while (WordApplication1->ActiveDocument->StoryRanges->Item(wdFootnotesStory)->Find->Execute(strSearch,Template,Template,Template,Template,Template,wdTrue))
//go back to top of Word document
//Disconnect from word
Solution: In the course of adding the code, I think I stumbled across the solution - WdStoryType::wdFootnotesStory
. It appears all I was missing was the class qualifier reference.
Solution: In the course of adding the code, I think I stumbled across the solution - WdStoryType::wdFootnotesStory. It appears all I was missing was the class qualifier reference.