When adding a single Book, you can just do:
String author = 'John Smith'
String title = 'First Book'
def book = new Book(author: author, title: title)
book.save(flush: flush, insert: true)
Say I want to add a number of books at once, for instance if the input is:
String author = 'John Smith'
String title = ['First Book', 'Second Book', 'Third Book']
How can I save all the books with one call to the database?
A Groovy SQL Solution:
def author = 'John Smith'
def titles = ['First Book', 'Second Book', 'Third Book']
def bookClassMetadata = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(Book)
def bookTableName = bookClassMetadata.tableName
def authorColumnName = bookClassMetadata.propertyMapping.getColumnNames('author')[0]
def titleColumnName = bookClassMetadata.propertyMapping.getColumnNames('title')[0]
def batchSize = 500
def batchSQL = "INSERT INTO ${bookTableName} (${authorColumnName}, ${titleColumnName})" +
" VALUES (?,?)"
def sql = new Sql(dataSource)
sql.withBatch(batchSize, batchSQL) { preparedStatement ->
titles.each { title ->
preparedStatement.addBatch([author, title])