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Find the simplest rational number between two given rational numbers

I found a problem related to rational numbers.

Two rational numbers are given and the task is to find the simplest rational number between them.

For this problem, the simplicity of a rational number could be defined as the rational number with the smallest numerator, although I am open to other suggestions for this metric, e.g. similar question to Math stack exchange, if it makes the solution easier.

The sample inputs and output might be:

Inputs: 1110/416 and 1110/417, Output: 8/3
Inputs: 500/166 and 500/167, Output: 3/1

Any ideas or at least an advice on how to approach this problem? I'm struggling.



Additional observations:

  • Although there are infinitely many rational numbers between two given rational numbers, there are indeed finitely many rational numbers that are simpler than the two.
  • The trivial solution could be just to try all combinations of numerator/denominator (ranging from 1 to the highest numerator or denominator respectively), reduce them, and see if the number is in between. I'm not sure what would be the O complexity of it, but I'd guess something like n2.


  • The relevant math is described in the Wikipedia article on continued fractions. In a nutshell, you compute the two continued fractions for the lower and upper endpoints and then try four combinations where the continued fraction is truncated after the common endpoint.

    Here's a Python implementation.

    import fractions
    F = fractions.Fraction
    def to_continued_fractions(x):
        a = []
        while True:
            q, r = divmod(x.numerator, x.denominator)
            if r == 0:
            x = F(x.denominator, r)
        return (a, a[:-1] + [a[-1] - 1, 1])
    def combine(a, b):
        i = 0
        while i < len(a) and i < len(b):
            if a[i] != b[i]:
                return a[:i] + [min(a[i], b[i]) + 1]
            i += 1
        if i < len(a):
            return a[:i] + [a[i] + 1]
        if i < len(b):
            return a[:i] + [b[i] + 1]
        assert False
    def from_continued_fraction(a):
        x = fractions.Fraction(a[-1])
        for i in range(len(a) - 2, -1, -1):
            x = a[i] + 1 / x
        return x
    def between(x, y):
        def predicate(z):
            return x < z < y or y < z < x
        return predicate
    def simplicity(x):
        return x.numerator
    def simplest_between(x, y):
        return min(filter(between(x, y), (from_continued_fraction(combine(a, b)) for a in to_continued_fractions(x) for b in to_continued_fractions(y))), key=simplicity)
    print(simplest_between(F(1110, 416), F(1110, 417)))
    print(simplest_between(F(500, 166), F(500, 167)))