Someone knows how to change temporary directory location from Datastage configuration? My problems is while a SORT operation is performed, unix directories /var and /tmp are filled over its limit and whole process is failing.
I tried change dsenv and uvconfig under DSEngine directory, adding variables TMP, TMPDIR and TEMPDIR pointing to other directories then restart DS services,but is not working /tmp and /var still filled to 100% showing this error:
Sort,0: sort: 0653-657 A write error occurred while sorting.
Sort,0: Failure during execution of operator logic.
Sort,0: Fatal Error: Null arg.
The sort area is specified in the config file specified in APT_CONFIG_FILE. So check if the job uses a special one - in this case the APT_CONFIG_FILE would have to be a job parameter. If not the default one for the project is used - check it out in the Administor.
For details how to configure it see here