I have a simple Suave.io server in the form:
let Ok o = o |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject |> Successful.OK
let NotOk o = o |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject |> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST
type Result<'T> =
| Success of 'T
| Failure of string
let DoThing someParam anotherParam =
let stats = Success(999) // <- business code here
match stats with
| Success s -> s |> Ok
| Failure m -> m |> NotOk
let app =
[ GET >=> choose
pathScan "/someroute/%i/%i" (fun (p1, p2) ->
DoThing p1 p2)
startWebServer config app
I would like to check that the request contains a header with a certain name and value and return NotOk when it is absent or incorrect. What's the simplest way to achieve this?
I'm a newcomer to Suave.io's compositional style.
I think that this would do what you need:
#r "Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#r "Suave.dll"
#r "Suave.Testing.dll"
#r "System.Net.Http.dll"
#r "Fuchu.dll"
open System.Net
open System.Net.Http
open Suave
open Suave.Operators
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Testing
let Ok o = o |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject |> Successful.OK
let NotOk o = o |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject |> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST
type Result<'T> =
| Success of 'T
| Failure of string
let DoThing someParam anotherParam =
let stats = Success(999) // <- business code here
match stats with
| Success s -> s |> Ok
| Failure m -> m |> NotOk
let checkHeader ctx =
asyncOption {
match "key" |> ctx.request.header with
| Choice1Of2 k1 ->
printfn "Header k1: %s" k1
return ctx
| Choice2Of2 k2 ->
printfn "Header k2: %s" k2
return { ctx with
response = { ctx.response with
status = HTTP_400 } } }
let app =
[ GET >=> choose
pathScan "/someroute/%i/%i" (fun (p1, p2) ->
DoThing p1 p2)
>=> checkHeader
let emptyCont = new ByteArrayContent([||]) |> Some
runWith defaultConfig app
|> reqResp HttpMethod.GET
"/someroute/1/2" ""
Make sure that you have the required libs in the same directory as this script and you can run it. Because there is no key
header, the result will be a BAD_REQUEST
with content 999.
The checkHeader does the trick.