I'm using a Microsoft Azure Service Bus queue to process calculations and my program runs fine for a few hours but then I start to get this exception for every message that I process from then on. I have no clue where to start since everything runs fine for the first few hours. My code seems to be accurate as well. This the method where I handle the Azure Service Bus message.
public static async Task processCalculations(BrokeredMessage message)
if (message != null)
if (connection == null || !connection.IsConnected)
connection = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync("connection,SyncTimeout=10000,ConnectTimeout=10000");
//connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("connection,SyncTimeout=10000,ConnectTimeout=10000");
cache = connection.GetDatabase();
string sandpKey = message.Properties["sandp"].ToString();
string dateKey = message.Properties["date"].ToString();
string symbolclassKey = message.Properties["symbolclass"].ToString();
string stockdataKey = message.Properties["stockdata"].ToString();
string stockcomparedataKey = message.Properties["stockcomparedata"].ToString();
var sandpTask = cache.GetAsync<List<StockData>>(sandpKey);
var dateTask = cache.GetAsync<DateTime>(dateKey);
var symbolinfoTask = cache.GetAsync<SymbolInfo>(symbolclassKey);
var stockdataTask = cache.GetAsync<List<StockData>>(stockdataKey);
var stockcomparedataTask = cache.GetAsync<List<StockMarketCompare>>(stockcomparedataKey);
await Task.WhenAll(sandpTask, dateTask, symbolinfoTask,
stockdataTask, stockcomparedataTask);
List<StockData> sandp = sandpTask.Result;
DateTime date = dateTask.Result;
SymbolInfo symbolinfo = symbolinfoTask.Result;
List<StockData> stockdata = stockdataTask.Result;
List<StockMarketCompare> stockcomparedata = stockcomparedataTask.Result;
StockRating rating = performCalculations(symbolinfo, date, sandp, stockdata, stockcomparedata);
if (rating != null)
if (message.LockedUntilUtc.Minute <= 1)
await message.RenewLockAsync();
await message.CompleteAsync(); // getting exception here
Console.WriteLine("Message " + message.MessageId + " Completed!");
await message.CompleteAsync();
catch (TimeoutException time)
catch (MessageLockLostException locks)
catch (RedisConnectionException redis)
Console.WriteLine("Start the redis server service!");
catch (MessagingCommunicationException communication)
catch (Exception ex)
I check the time until the lock expiration and I call lock renew if it needs it - it renews the lock with no errors, but I'm still getting this exception.
timeLeft = message.LockedUntilUtc - DateTime.UtcNow;
if (timeLeft.TotalMinutes <= 2)
//Console.WriteLine("Renewed lock! " + ((TimeSpan)(message.LockedUntilUtc - DateTime.UtcNow)).TotalMinutes);
catch (MessageLockLostException locks)
Console.WriteLine("Delivery Count: " + message.DeliveryCount);
Console.WriteLine("Enqueued Time: " + message.EnqueuedTimeUtc);
Console.WriteLine("Expires Time: " + message.ExpiresAtUtc);
Console.WriteLine("Locked Until Time: " + message.LockedUntilUtc);
Console.WriteLine("Scheduled Enqueue Time: " + message.ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc);
Console.WriteLine("Current Time: " + DateTime.UtcNow);
Console.WriteLine("Time Left: " + timeLeft);
All I know so far is that my code runs fine for awhile, and the renew lock gets called and works but I'm still getting the lock exception and inside that exception.
I output the time left and it keeps increasing the time difference as the code runs, which makes me believe that the time until lock expiration is not being changed somehow?
I spent hours trying to understand why I was getting a MessageLockLostException
. The reason for me was due to AutoComplete defaulting to true.
If you're going to call message.Complete()
(or CompleteAsync()
) then you should instantiate an OnMessageOptions
object, set AutoComplete
to false, and pass it into your OnMessage
var options = new OnMessageOptions();
options.AutoComplete = false;
client.OnMessage(processCalculations, options);