I have an Adobe Activation (DTM) container that I would like to dynamically set the reporting suite value using data elements, such as "%reportingSuiteProd% and %reportinSuiteStage%.
When I try to use these values within the Adobe Analytics tool, they are passed as strings instead of using the data element functionality. Is it possible to use data elements here? If not, what is the cleanest way to set a dynamic reporting suite value within DTM?
Example: http://trackingserver.com/b/ss/%reportingSuiteProd%/1/JS-1.6.1-D6I2/s53779788912776.....
For reasons unclear to anybody, Adobe does not allow data element references to be used for the report suite fields. If you want to use a data element to populate the report suite, you will need to change the settings in Library Management.
Set the Code Configuration to "Custom" and then check the checkbox for "Set report suites using custom code below".
Then, within the "Code Hosted > In DTM
" Editor (or within the Customize Page Code Editor) you can do this:
if (_satellite.settings.isStaging)
The major downside to this is if your previous setup was to have the Adobe Analytics library Managed by Adobe, well, that is no longer an option, and you will need to ensure the library is kept up to date yourself.