Is there a (simple) way to build the url's for webapp2 in a way that would allow a structure like below? I couldn't see a way to pass on the PathPrefixRoute from the parent, but something like PathPrefixRoute('(/v1)', [PathPrefixRoute('$1/app1',
would be cool.
urls = [
PathPrefixRoute('/v1', [
PathPrefixRoute('/app1', [
# /v1/app1/index
Route('/index', 'v1.app1.index.Main')
PathPrefixRoute('/app2', [
# /v1/app2/index
Route('/index', 'v1.app2.index.Main')
PathPrefixRoute('/v2', [
PathPrefixRoute('/app1', [
# /v2/app1/index
Route('/index', 'v2.app1.index.Main')
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication(routes=urls)
I ended up writing my own custom server off uwsgi. The routing mechanism I use I have pasted below but the full application is 318 lines of goodness and can handle 100's of RPS (that's all i tested to but feel it could handle 1000's RPS) on a basic 1 core server.
Feel free to comment good, bad and ugly thoughts.
class Static:
def __init__(self, s): self._s = s
def __str__(self): return self._s
'(|localhost)': {
'/': 'default.index.Home'
'(': {
'/': 'example.index.Home',
'/static': Static('example'),
'/console': {
'/': 'example.console.Home',
'/login': 'example.console.Login'
def get_location(self):
http_host = self.env.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split(':')[0] # host:port
if not http_host: raise HttpException(404, "Empty Site")
path_info = self.env.get('PATH_INFO')
if not path_info: raise HttpException(404, "Empty Path")
for site in SITES:
if re.match(site, http_host, re.I):
paths = SITES[site]
parts = path_info.split('/')[1:] # first is always blank
for part in parts:
p = paths.copy()
for path in p:
if re.match(path + '$', '/' + part, re.I):
if isinstance(p[path], basestring):
return p[path]
paths = p[path]
paths = None
if not paths: break
raise HttpException(404, "Unknown Path")
raise HttpException(404, "Unknown Site")