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C# Application to launch a Steam game

I'm new to C#.

I am thinking as a little practice project in Visual Studio i am going to make a little application that launches a game (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) when you click a button.

Just a couple of Points:

  • Is this a bit too much as a first project?

  • Would i need it so when you click the button it would just have to
    look for the launch.exe for that game?


  • Is this a bit too much as a first project?

    Not at all. It is pretty much starting application with some command line parameters.

    Would i need it so when you click the button it would just have to look for the launch.exe for that game?

    Steam games are launched by steam:// uri scheme which maps to steam.exe executable. So you pretty much need to start steam.exe process passing uri like steam://rungameid/game_id where game_id is numerical id of that game.