I'm using the http://imageresizing.net/ component to display images on my webapplication.
My problem is that users need to be (forms)authenticated before retreiving an image although I allow anonymous users.
I created my own implementations for VirtualImageProvider and VirtualFile by implementing their Interfaces:
public class CustomVirtualImageProvider : IVirtualImageProvider, IPlugin
public bool FileExists(string virtualPath, NameValueCollection queryString)
return true;
public IVirtualFile GetFile(string virtualPath, NameValueCollection queryString)
var customVirtualFile = new CustomVirtualFile(virtualPath, queryString);
return customVirtualFile;
public IPlugin Install(Config c)
return this;
public bool Uninstall(Config c)
return true;
public class CustomVirtualFile : IVirtualFile
private readonly string _virtualPath;
public CustomVirtualFile(string virtualPath, NameValueCollection query)
_virtualPath = virtualPath;
this.query = new ResizeSettings(query);
protected ResizeSettings query;
public System.IO.Stream Open()
var pathService = new ICustomImagePathService();
string path = pathService.GetPhysicalPathByVirtual(_virtualPath);
var fi = new FileInfo(path);
if (!fi.Exists)
return null;
CurrentLogger.Logger.Debug("Processing: " + _virtualPath);
var ms = new MemoryStream();
using (var file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var bytes = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms.Write(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms;
public string VirtualPath { get { return _virtualPath; } }
In the web.config I've setup the DiskCache plugin:
<diskcache dir="/ImageCache" />
This /ImageCache is a VirtualDirectory within IIS.
I'm using asp.net FormsAuthentication.
The requirement is users need to be authenticated when getting images from: https://myhost/i/userprofile/(guid).
Un-authenticated users/requests are allowed to get images from: https://myhost/i/public/logos/(guid).
To achieve this, I created these folders in my webapplication:
In these folders I've added a test default.aspx page and these web.config's:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<deny users="?"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow users="?"/>
Testing with the webpages works:
/i/default.aspx --> redirects to login page. Good.
/i/public/default.aspx --> shows the page. Good.
/i/userprofile/d39a2fe0-2f1d-9750-e8d4-ebbe0f87d790.jpg?w=50&h=50 --> redirect to login page. Good.
/i/public/applogo/297/3347df8d-ef47-4280-ac2d-75a740b5898e.jpg?w=100&h=100 --> redirect to login page. Not good.
Can some one help me with this issue? I want this last image to be shown to unauthenticated users.
Many thanks in advance.
I've got it working by making the following changes:
1) Changing the Anonymous Authentication Credentials (within IIS) from IUSR to the Application Pool Identity
2) Setting runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests back to "true". During testing I tried disabling it.
All by using ASP.NET Url Authorization.