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Is it possible to host interactive R Markdown files on Github Pages?

As the title says, I would like to create posts on Github Pages that are interactive R Markdown files (meaning that it has Shiny apps embedded in it). Is this possible to do in Github Pages? If so, how can I do it; and if not, what's the best (free) way to host interactive RMD/Shiny pages?


  • While it's not possible to host fully-fledged Shiny apps on Github pages (Indeed, as @Gregor suggested, is useful for this), the devs for Shiny have been working to make some of the functionality run completely on the client-side via htmlwidgets.

    Here is a simple example running on Github pages:


    ## Example of displaying htmlwidgets on a Github pages site
    # Source:
    p <- ggplot(data = diamonds, aes(x = cut, fill = clarity)) +
                geom_bar(position = "dodge")

    Rendered HTML

    Screenshot of htmlwidgets demo

    (Live version: Github pages htmlwidget demo)

    For more complex interactions, including communicating between widgets entirely on the client-side, check out Joe Cheng's recent crosstalk demo from UserR! 2016.