I have several dataframes that look like this:
Time Terrain
1 Land
2 Land
3 Land
4 Land
I want to take the column "Terrain" from each dataframe and put them all in a new one, giving the columns of the new dataframe the name of which dataframe it was extracted from. Should look like this:
df1 df2 df3
Land Land Sea
Land Sea Air
Land Sea Land
Land Sea Land
I know I have to use cbind
but I have several dataframes and don't want to be typing each out. Do I loop it by making a list of the different dataframes?
Place all the datasets (assuming that it starts with 'df' followed by numbers) in a list
('lst'). Then use lapply
to extract the 'Terrain' and cbind
setNames(do.call(cbind, lapply(lst, `[`, 'Terrain')), nm1)
nm1 <- ls(pattern="df\\d+")
lst <- mget(nm1)