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custom converter in XStream

I am using XStream to serialize my Objects to XML format. The formatted xml that I get is as below: node1, node2, node 3 are attributes of pojo,DetailDollars

I have requirement where in I have to calucluate a percentage, for example 100/ 25 and add the new node to the existing ones. So, the final output should be :

    <node1>100 </node1> 

I wrote a custom converter and registered to my xstream object.

public void marshal(..){
         writer.setValue(getNode1()/ getnode2() );

But, the xml stream I get has only the new node:


I am not sure which xstream api would get me the desired format. could you please help me with this .


  • Here is the converter you need:

    public class DetailDollarsConverter extends ReflectionConverter {
    public DetailDollarsConverter(Mapper mapper,
            ReflectionProvider reflectionProvider) {
        super(mapper, reflectionProvider);
    public void marshal(Object obj, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer,
            MarshallingContext context) {
        DetailDollars dl = (DetailDollars) obj;
        writer.setValue(Double.toString(dl.getNode1() / dl.getNode2()));
    public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader,
            UnmarshallingContext context) {
        return super.unmarshal(reader,context);
    public boolean canConvert(Class clazz) {
        return clazz.equals(DetailDollars.class);
