I am trying to shrink several chunks of similar code which looks like:
- ... multiple things is going here
register: list_register
- name: Generating list
set_fact: my_list="{{ list_register.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.list_item') | list }}"
# the same code repeats...
The only difference between them is list name instead of my_list
In fact, I want to do this:
"{{ some var }}" : "{{ some value }}"
I came across this post but didn't find any answer here.
Is it possible to do so or is there any workaround?
take a look at this sample playbook:
- hosts: localhost
- key: abc
val: xyz
- key: efg
val: uvw
- set_fact: {"{{ item.key }}":"{{ item.val }}"}
with_items: "{{iter}}"
- debug: msg="key={{item.key}}, hostvar={{hostvars['localhost'][item.key]}}"
with_items: "{{iter}}"