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How to rotate around Z axis using transformation matrix in 3D?

In Lua, I have set up an identity matrix:

local ident_matrix = {

This is then updated to contain a point at x=100, y=0, z=0:

ident_matrix = {

I then define my rotation value as 90 degrees in radians:

local r = math.rad(90)

From this I create a Z-axis rotation matrix:

local rotate_matrix = {

And from here apply the Z-axis rotation matrix to the {100,0,0} point using matrix multiplication:

local function multiply( aMatrix, bMatrix )
    if #aMatrix[1] ~= #bMatrix then       -- inner matrix-dimensions must agree
        return nil      

    local empty = newEmptyMatrix()

    for aRow = 1, #aMatrix do
        for bCol = 1, #bMatrix[1] do
            local sum = empty[aRow][bCol]
            for bRow = 1, #bMatrix do
                sum = sum + aMatrix[aRow][bRow] * bMatrix[bRow][bCol]
            empty[aRow][bCol] = sum

    return empty

local rotated = multiply( rotate_matrix, ident_matrix )

The matrix multiplication is taken from

I was expecting the rotated matrix output to be the same as:

local expected = {
 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 100, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },

Or perhaps, given left-handed (?) calculations, the Y value would be -100. What I actually end up with is:

 { 0, 100, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
 { 0, 0, 0, 1 },

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and correct my code, please?


  • As implied by @egor-skriptunoff's comment...

    In Lua, I have set up an identity matrix:

    local ident_matrix = {

    This is then updated to contain a point at x=100, y=0, z=0:

    ident_matrix = {

    I then define my rotation value as 90 degrees in radians:

    local r = math.rad(90)

    From this I create a Z-axis rotation matrix:

    local rotate_matrix = {

    And from here apply the Z-axis rotation matrix to the {100,0,0} point using matrix multiplication:

    local function multiply( aMatrix, bMatrix )
        if #aMatrix[1] ~= #bMatrix then       -- inner matrix-dimensions must agree
            return nil      
        local empty = newEmptyMatrix()
        for aRow = 1, #aMatrix do
            for bCol = 1, #bMatrix[1] do
                local sum = empty[aRow][bCol]
                for bRow = 1, #bMatrix do
                    sum = sum + aMatrix[aRow][bRow] * bMatrix[bRow][bCol]
                empty[aRow][bCol] = sum
        return empty
    local rotated = multiply( rotate_matrix, ident_matrix )

    The matrix multiplication is taken from

    Now, I get what I expected:

    local expected = {
     { 0, 100, 0, 0 },