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Multiple paragraphs in AsciiDoctor table cell

Edit: Since my problem seems to be specific to my setup, I provide a complete minimal working example here.

This is my maven setup (pom.xml):

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <name>AsciiDoc Test</name>

                    <!-- beware, jruby 1.7.23 breaks asciidoctorj -->

This is my AsciiDoc source (src/test.adoc):

|First paragraph

second paragraph


The AsciiDoc file is compiled with:

mvn generate-resources

This is the generated output (target/generated-docs/test.pdf)

Why doesn't AsciiDoc render two paragraphs?

Other things that do not work as expected (every example pushes the whole cell content in one paragraph):

  • explicitly specifying a for the cell:
a|First paragraph

second paragraph

  • list:
|First paragraph

 * second paragraph

  • As non-heading:

a|First paragraph

second paragraph



  • From the documentation:

    The direct Asciidoctor PDF rendering do not support this yet. See #6

    This is what I get:

    With paragraph:

    a|First paragraph
    second paragraph

    The relevant thing is the empty line between |== and a|your cell

    With the HTML renderer: Table with a second paragraph in Asciidoctor HTML

    With the PDF renderer: Table with a second paragraph in Asciidoctor PDF

    With list:

    It works the same way:

    a|First paragraph
    * second paragraph

    With the HTML renderer: Table with list in Asciidoctor HTML

    With the PDF renderer: Table with list in Asciidoctor PDF

    A possible solution might be to use the DocBook Pipeline with jDocBook as in this example docbook-pipeline-jdocbook-example. With this setup I get the expected output:

    Complex Table example with the Asciidoctor docbook pipeline