How do I slide all the content in the table view and update the table view with new content, i am working on a project just like google drive IOS app, where when u click on a folder, the old content slides to left and the new content slides in from the right, does anybody have any idea about this? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!!!
tableView.insertRowsAtIndexPaths(toAdd, withRowAnimation: animateLeft ? .Right : .Left)
tableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths(toDelete, withRowAnimation: animateLeft ? .Left : .Right)
If you are going to remove all of the data then the toDelete variable is an array of indexPaths 0 through currentContent.count. The toAdd variable is an array of indexPaths 0 through newContent.count. animateLeft is a boolean of which way you want to animate your content