Search code examples

Display TimeSpan type Data in Angularjs Listing

Trying to show time in table but it shows me time in this format


while i want it to be displayed in this format


In Html file i does listing like this

            <th>Start Time</th>
            <th>End Time</th>
        <tr ng-repeat="item in Festivals">

Angular controller code where i am initializing data

var app = angular.module('myApp');

app.controller('SeasonCtrl', [
    '$scope', '$http', 'seasonService', function ($scope, $http, seasonService) {

        $scope.Seasons = [];

        seasonService.GetAllSeasons = function () {
            seasonService.getSeasons().success(function (data) {
                $scope.Seasons =;



C# Code i am sending data to angular controller

public JsonResult GetAllSeasons()
    var data = _seasonManager.AllSeasons();
    if (data != null)
        var list = data.Select(r => new

        return Json(new { data = list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    return null;


  • I have just tried this and its solved my problem

    In Html

                <th>Start Time</th>
                <th>End Time</th>
            <tr ng-repeat="item in Festivals">
                <td ng-bind='timeFunction(item.StartTime)'></td>
    <td ng-bind='timeFunction(item.EndTime)'></td>

    In Angular Controller

    $scope.timeFunction = function (timeObj) {
          var min = timeObj.Minutes < 10 ? "0" + timeObj.Minutes : timeObj.Minutes;
          var sec = timeObj.Seconds < 10 ? "0" + timeObj.Seconds : timeObj.Seconds;
          var hour = timeObj.Hours < 10 ? "0" + timeObj.Hours : timeObj.Hours;
          return hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec;