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numpy: broadcasting into multiple inner products and inverses

I have arrays e, (shape q by l) f (shape n by l), and w (shape n by l), and I want to create an array M where M[s,i,j] = np.sum(w[s, :] * e[i, :] * e[j, :]), and an array F, where F[s,j] = np.sum(w[s, :] * f[s, :] * e[j, :]).

Both are easy enough to do by, for instance, looping through elements of M, but I want to be more efficient (my real data has something like 1M entries of length 5k). For F, I can use F = np.inner(w * f, e) (which I verified produces the same answer as the loop). M is more difficult, so the first step is to loop through dimension zero of with a list comprehension, saying that M = np.stack([np.inner(r[:] * e, e) for r in w]) (I have verified this also works the same as the loop). np.inner() doesn't take any axes arguments, so it's not clear to me how to tell the arrays to just broadcast over all rows of w.

Finally, I need to use elements of M and F to create a matrix A, where A[s,i] = np.sum(np.linalg.inv(M[s, :, :])[i, :] * F[i, :]). This also looks inner-product-ish, but taking lots of individual inverses is time-consuming, so is there a way to compute inverses of slices, short of looping?

Some test values in my arrays are as follows:

e = array([[-0.9840087 , -0.17812043],
           [ 0.17812043, -0.9840087 ]])

w = array([[  1.12545297e+01,   1.48690140e+02],
           [  7.30718244e+00,   4.07840612e+02],
           [  2.62753065e+02,   2.27085711e+02],
           [  1.53045364e+01,   5.63025281e+02],
           [  8.00555079e+00,   2.16207407e+02],
           [  1.54070190e+01,   1.87213209e+06],
           [  2.71802081e+01,   1.06392902e+02],
           [  3.46300255e+01,   1.29404438e+03],
           [  7.77638140e+00,   4.18759293e+03],
           [  1.12874849e+01,   5.75023379e+02]])

f = array([[ 0.48907404,  0.06111084],
           [-0.21899297, -0.02207311],
           [ 0.58688524,  0.05156326],
           [ 0.57407751,  0.10004592],
           [ 0.94172351,  0.03895357],
           [-0.7489003 , -0.08911183],
           [-0.7043736 , -0.19014227],
           [ 0.58950925,  0.16587887],
           [-0.35557142, -0.14530267],
           [ 0.24548714,  0.03221844]])


  • M[s,i,j] = np.sum(w[s, :] * e[i, :] * e[j, :])

    translates to

    M = np.einsum('sk,ik,jk->sij',w,e,e)


    F[s,j] = np.sum(w[s, :] * f[s, :] * e[j, :])
    F = np.einsum('sk,sk,jk->sj', w, f, e)

    I haven't tested these with your samples, but the translation is simple enough.

    With real large arrays you may have to break the expressions up into pieces. With 4 iteration variables the overall iteration space can be very big. But first see if these expressions work with modest sized arrays.

    As for

    A[s,i] = np.sum(np.linalg.inv(M[s, :, :])[i, :] * F[i, :])

    I looks like np.linalg.inv(M) works, performing the s i x i inverses

    If so then

     IM = np.linalg.inv(M)
     A = np.einsum('skm,ik,im->si', IM, F)

    I'm guessing more here.

    Again, dimension might get too large, but try it small first.

    Typically linear equation solutions are recommended over direct inverses, something like

      A = F/M
      A = np.linalg.solve(M, F)

    since you probably want A such that M@A=F (@ matrix product). But I'm kind of rusty on these matters. Also check tensorsolve and tensorinv.