I am using Fortran 90 to read a file that contains data in the following format
number# 125 var1= 2 var2= 1 var3: 4
number# 234 var1= 3 var2= 5 var3: 1
I tried the following command and works fine
read (2,*) tempstr , my_param(1), tempstr , my_param(2), tempstr , my_param(3)
Problem is when the numbers become larger and there is no space between string and number, i.e. the data looks as following:
number# 125 var1= 2 var2=124 var3: 4
I tried
read (2,512) my_param(1), my_param(2), my_param(3)
512 format('number#', i, 'var1=', i, 'var2=', i, 'var3:', i)
It reads all number as zero
I can't switch to some other language. The data set is huge, so I can't pre-process it. Also, the delimiters are not the same every time. Can someone please help with the problem?
Thanks in advance
While I still stand with my original answer, particularly because the input data is already so close to what a namelist file would look like, let's assume that you really can't make any preprocessing of the data beforehand.
The next best thing is to read in the whole line into a character(len=<enough>)
variable, then extract the values out of that with String Manipulation. Something like this:
program mixed2
implicit none
integer :: num, val1, val2, val3
character(len=50) :: line
integer :: io_stat
open(unit=100, file='data.dat', action='READ', status='OLD')
read(100, '(A)', iostat=io_stat) line
if (io_stat /= 0) exit
call get_values(line, num, val1, val2, val3)
print *, num, val1, val2, val3
end do
subroutine get_values(line, n, v1, v2, v3)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer, intent(out) :: n, v1, v2, v3
integer :: idx
! Search for "number#"
idx = index(line, 'number#') + len('number#')
! Get the integer after that word
read(line(idx:idx+3), '(I4)') n
idx = index(line, 'var1') + len('var1=')
read(line(idx:idx+3), '(I4)') v1
idx = index(line, 'var2') + len('var3=')
read(line(idx:idx+3), '(I4)') v2
idx = index(line, 'var3') + len('var3:')
read(line(idx:idx+3), '(I4)') v3
end subroutine get_values
end program mixed2
Please note that I have not included any error/sanity checking. I'll leave that up to you.