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How do I start chronometer with a specific starting time?

Let's say I have this variable:

long myMillis = 20000;

This means that I want my Chronometer to start at exactly 20 seconds (00:20).

I tried doing this:


But it doesn't work. It dosn't start with 20 seconds. It starts with some weird time that doesn't make sense.


  • In general the chronometer works like this (if you would like to set the Base to a specific nr):

    mChronometer.setBase(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - (nr_of_min * 60000 + nr_of_sec * 1000)))

    so make it:

     mChronometer.setBase(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - (2* 60000 + 0 * 1000)))