I am trying to run UI TestScripts for Xamarin iOS app on Test cloud, so I filled all the details.
App file : **/*.ipa
Test Assembly Directory: $(build.binariesdirectory)/$(BuildConfiguration)/test-assembly
dSYM file, I uploaded into Git and it was stored as zip file. I tried using that in VSTS but it was failing so I am not sure how to load dSYM(Any advise?), so I am not using dSYM file. But even without dSYM file, the step is failing without much information. I am getting the following error.
2016-06-30T17:25:36.773Z: [command]/usr/local/bin/mono /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/x/packages/Xamarin.UITest.1.3.8/tools/test-cloud.exe submit /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/a/b/bin/iPhone/Release/c 2016-06-30 10-25-30/com.iOS.ipa 42f8ebe979ca524827575208c706ecef --user abc@xy.com --devices XXXXXX --series master --locale en_US --assembly-dir /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/Release/test-assembly **/packages/**/tools/test-cloud.exe --nunit-xml /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/Release/test-assembly/xamarintest_211.0.xml
2016-06-30T17:25:36.988Z: Usage:
2016-06-30T17:25:36.988Z: test-cloud.exe submit <apk-ipa> <api-key> [options] [--include <nunit-category> | --category <nunit-category> | --exclude <nunit-category> | --fixture <nunit-fixture> | --data <file-or-directory>] ...
2016-06-30T17:25:36.988Z: test-cloud.exe submit <apk-ipa> <api-key> keystore <storefile> <storepass> <keyalias> <keypass> [options] [--include <nunit-category> | --category <nunit-category> | --exclude <nunit-category> | --fixture <nunit-fixture> | --data <file-or-directory>] ...
2016-06-30T17:25:36.988Z: Run 'test-cloud.exe help submit' for more details.
2016-06-30T17:25:37.007Z: [command]/usr/local/bin/mono /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/x/packages/Xamarin.UITest.1.3.8/tools/test-cloud.exe submit /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/x/y/bin/iPhone/Release/xx 2016-06-30 10-20-46/iOS.ipa 42f8ebe979ca524827575208c706ecef --user xyz@abc.com --devices XXXXXXX --series master --locale en_US --assembly-dir /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/Release/test-assembly **/packages/**/tools/test-cloud.exe --nunit-xml /Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/Release/test-assembly/xamarintest_211.1.xml
2016-06-30T17:25:37.217Z: Usage:
2016-06-30T17:25:37.217Z: test-cloud.exe submit <apk-ipa> <api-key> [options] [--include <nunit-category> | --category <nunit-category> | --exclude <nunit-category> | --fixture <nunit-fixture> | --data <file-or-directory>] ...
2016-06-30T17:25:37.217Z: test-cloud.exe submit <apk-ipa> <api-key> keystore <storefile> <storepass> <keyalias> <keypass> [options] [--include <nunit-category> | --category <nunit-category> | --exclude <nunit-category> | --fixture <nunit-fixture> | --data <file-or-directory>] ...
2016-06-30T17:25:37.218Z: Run 'test-cloud.exe help submit' for more details.
##[Error] 2016-06-30T17:25:37.263Z: Return code: 1
2016-06-30T17:25:37.438Z: Start: Results.Publish async Command
2016-06-30T17:25:37.438Z: End: Results.Publish async Command
I am looking into the test script and the path but not able to get it work.Can anyone point out the reason for the error?
It looks like your commands are using paths that have spaces. You'll need to wrap any paths with spaces in quotation marks.
/Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/a/b/bin/iPhone/Release/c 2016-06-30 10-25-30/com.iOS.ipa
"/Users/vso112561/vsts-agent/_work/2/s/a/b/bin/iPhone/Release/c 2016-06-30 10-25-30/com.iOS.ipa"
Also, the path used for --assembly-dir
looks incorrect. This should be a path to the .dll that contains your UITests and not test-cloud.exe. Make sure that you wrap it in quotation marks too, once fixed.