How can I test if a character is unicode in a SASS mixin?
I have a mixin that I'd like to accept either (1) a unicode character, or (2) a descriptor string as a parameter. If the the parameter is a unicode character then I'd like to just display it. If the parameter is a descriptor string I would look up the unicode character to go with it.
For example:
@include glyph('\f002');
@include glyph('search');
The mixin would be something akin to:
@mixin glyph($glyph) {
@if type-of($glyph) == unicode {
content: '$glyph';
} @ else {
content: get_glyph_for($glyph);
returns string
, as there is no "unicode" type.
I've not found regex capabilities in SASS, or a way to pull apart a single unicode character.
Is there a way I can run a regex with SASS, or pull the character apart?
You could use str-slice to detect if the first character is a "\". In order to transform the unicode character to a string, first you have to run it inside "inspect".
str-slice(inspect(\f002),0,1) => "\\"