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NodeJS: How to test middleware making external call

I have an authentication middleware I will like to test, the middleware makes an external call to an authentication service and based on the returned statusCode either calls the next middleware/controller or it returns a 401 status. Something like what I have below.

var auth = function (req, res, next) {
  needle.get('', options, function (err, reply) {
      if (reply.statusCode === 200) {
      } else {

I use SinonJS, nock, and node-mocks-http for testing and my simple test is as below.

 // require all the packages and auth middleware
 it('should login user, function (done) {
   res = httpMocks.createResponse();
   req = httpMocks.createRequest({
     url: '/api',
     cookies: {
       'session': true


   var next = sinon.spy()
   auth(res, req, next);
   next.called.should.equal(true); // Fails returns false instead

The test always fails and returns false, I feel that the reason is because the needle call is asynchronous, and before the call returns the assertion part is reached. I have been working on this all day, I need help please.


  • you need to split the test setup away from the assertion

    // this may be "beforeEach"
    // depends on what testing framework you're using
      res = httpMocks.createResponse();
      req = httpMocks.createRequest({
        url: '/api',
        cookies: {
          'session': true
      var next = sinon.spy();
      auth(res, req, function() {
    it('should login user', function () {
       next.called.should.equal(true); // Fails returns false instead