I have component with input:
<my-input *ngIf='filter.type === checkType.INPUT_TEXT' [filter]='filter'></my-input>
export class MyInputComponent{
@Input() filter: any;
Template of MyInputComponent
<input name="name" [(ngModel)]="filter.input">
I want to set filter input inside and have influence on outer Component object.
How to pass filter object into MyInputComponent
to achieve 2 way data binding?
I want to achIeve something like [(ngModel)]="filter.value" but working between Components
Other posts here about 2-way data binding does'nt answer my questions.
After using extends DefaultValueAccessor
in my MyInputComponent my parent component input disapears without any error.
import { Component, Input, OnInit, Provider, forwardRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FORM_DIRECTIVES, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, DefaultValueAccessor } from '@angular/common';
moduleId: module.id,
selector: 'my-input',
directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES],
host: { '(keyup)': 'doOnChange($event.target)' },
templateUrl: '<input name="name" [(ngModel)]="filter.input">'
export class MyInputComponent extends DefaultValueAccessor {
@Input() filter: any;
onChange = (_) => {};
onTouched = () => {};
writeValue(filter:any):void {
if (filter !== null) {
doOnChange(filter) {
const MY_VALUE_ACCESSOR = new Provider(
NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, {useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyInputComponent), multi: true});
You need to implement a custom value accessor for this. Here is a sample of this:
const MY_VALUE_ACCESSOR = new Provider(
NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, {useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyInputComponent), multi: true});
providers: [ MY_VALUE_ACCESSOR ]
export class MyInputComponent extends DefaultValueAccessor {
onChange = (_) => {};
onTouched = () => {};
writeValue(value:any):void {
if (value!=null) {
// call when your internal input is updated
doOnChange(val) {
For more details, see this article (section "NgModel-compatible component"):
See also this question: