I'm sending object IDs back and forth from client to server through the GWT RPC mechanism. The ids are coming out of the datastore as Longs (8 bytes). I think all of my ids will only need 4 bytes, but something random could happen that gives me a 5-byte (or whatever) value.
Is GWT going to be smart about packing these values in some variable-length encoding that will save space on average? Can I specify that it do so somewhere? Or should I write my own code to copy the Longs to ints and watch out for those exceptional situations?
As stated in the GWT documentation.
long: JavaScript has no 64-bit integral type, so long needs special consideration. Prior to GWT 1.5, the long type was was simply mapped to the integral range of a 64-bit JavaScript floating-point value, giving long variables an actual range less than the full 64 bits. As of GWT 1.5, long primitives are emulated as a pair of 32-bit integers, and work reliably over the entire 64-bit range. Overflow is emulated to match the expected behavior. There are a couple of caveats. Heavy use of long operations will have a performance impact due to the underlying emulation. Additionally, long primitives cannot be used in JSNI code because they are not a native JavaScript numeric type.
If your ids can fit in an Integer, you could be better off with that. Otherwise, if you're using a DTO, make the ids a double, which actually exists in Javascript.