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Java Program with args to implement in Talend

I have been asked to write a Java program that would take TSV files as an inpunt and generate a different TSV file (with quite some changes inside it that are very variable on the input and args) as output.

It is a pretty big program (took me 3 days to code but I'm not good) and it is finally working on inputs from 15k lines, generating 1500K lines output.

Writing the code, I had no idea that I would have to implement it in Talend afterwards, so it is a normal Java program that takes 4 args : Name of the input file, Name of the output file, int , int

I managed to put my Main as a routine with the needed extra packages (personal and openCSV).

My question is : Is it possible to implement it in Talend without changing it? Can't I just tell Talend, here is the file in input and those are the args? I had never heard of Talend before yesterday.

Here is the main if you are interested but i believe my question to be pretty generic.

public static void main(String[] args) throws ArgsExceptions {

    // Boolean set to true while everything is good
    Boolean everythingOk = true;

    String inputFile = null; // Name of the entry file to be transposed.
    String outputFile = null; // Name of the output file.
    int serieNb = 1 ; // Number of columns before the actual values in the input file. Can be columns describing the product as well as empty columns before the values.
    int linesToCopy = 0; // Number of lines composing the header of the file (those lines will be copy/pasted in the output)

     * Handling the arguments first. 
    try {
        switch (args.length) {
        case 0:
            throw new EmptyArgsException();
        case 1:
            inputFile = args[0];
            String[] parts = inputFile.split("\\.");
            // If no outPutFile name is given, will add "Transposed" to the inputFile Name
            outputFile = parts[0] + "Transposed." + parts[1]; 
        case 2:
            inputFile = args[0];
            outputFile = args[1];
        case 3:
            inputFile = args[0];
            outputFile = args[1];
            serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        case 4:
            inputFile = args[0];
            outputFile = args[1];
            serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            linesToCopy = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            inputFile = args[0];
            outputFile = args[1];
            serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            linesToCopy = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            throw new OutOfBordersArgsException();

    catch (ArgsExceptions a) {
    catch (NumberFormatException n) {
        System.out.println("Arguments 3 & 4 should be numbers."
                + " Number 3 is the Number of columns before the actual values in the input file. \n"
                + "(Can be columns describing the product as well as empty columns before the values. (1 by default)) \n"
                + "Number 4 is the number of lines to copy/pasta. (0 by default) \n"
                + "Please try again.");
        everythingOk = false;
    // Creating an InputFile and an OutputFile
    InputFile ex1 = new InputFile(inputFile, linesToCopy); 
    OutputFile ex2 = new OutputFile(outputFile);

    if (everythingOk) {
        try (   FileReader fr = new FileReader(inputFile);
                CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(fr, '\t', '\'', 0);
                FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile);
                CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(fw, '\t', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER)) 

            // Reading the header of the file
            // Writing the header of the file (copy/pasta)

            // Handling the line containing the columns names
            HeadOfValuesHandler handler = new HeadOfValuesHandler(ex1.readLine(), serieNb);

            // Each lien will be read and written (in multiple lines) one after the other.
            String[] row;
            CommonLine cl1; 
            // If the period is monthly
            if (handler.isMonthly()) { 

                while (!ex1.isAllDone()) { 

                    row = ex1.readLine();
                    if (!ex1.isAllDone()) {
                        cl1 = new CommonLine(row, handler.getYears(), handler.getMonths(), serieNb);

            // If the period is yearly
            else {

                while (!ex1.isAllDone()) { 

                    row = ex1.readLine();
                    if (!ex1.isAllDone()) {
                        cl1 = new CommonLine(row, handler.getYears(), serieNb);

        catch (FileNotFoundException f) {
            System.out.println(inputFile + " can't be found. Cancelling...");
        catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Unknown exception raised.");



Thanks for reading this far!


  • If it's necessary to keep it as it's, you can package your code as any runnable format, then invoke it through Talend tSystem component or tLibraryLoad component if it's a Jar file.