I have data available in csv format.
Data format is as follows. With Receipt nos in one column and Product in the corresponding column
Receipt_no Product
A1 Apple
A1 Banana
A1 Orange
A2 Pineapple
A2 Jackfruit
A3 Cola
A3 Tea
I want to rearrange them as
A1 , Apple, Banana, Orange
A2 , Pineapple, Jackfruit
A3 , Cola, Tea
That is the receipt numbers and product names in one row separated by comma. Since the data is large I want to rearrange the same in R .
Kindly help
Regards, Nithish
Base R,
aggregate(Product ~ Receipt_no, df, paste, collapse = ',')
Using dplyr
df %>%
group_by(Receipt_no) %>%
summarise(new = paste(Product, collapse = ','))