A good exercise while learning programming, is to write a calculator. To do this, I created some kind of DSL in BNF and want to ask for your help to improve it. With this minilanguage you should be able to add
, multiply
and assign
values and expressions to names (a.k.a. create variables and functions).
Hava a look at the BNF first:
<Program> ::= <Line>(<NewLine><Line>)*
<Line> ::= {"("}<Expression>{")"}|<Assignment>
<Assignment> ::= <Identifier>"="<Expression>
<Identifier> ::= <Name>{"("<Name>(","<Name>)*")"}
<Expression> ::= <Summand>(("+"|"-")<Summand>)*
<Summand> ::= <Factor>(("*"|"/")<Factor>)*
<Factor> ::= <Number>|<Call>
<Call> ::= <Name> {"("<Expression>(","<Expression>)*")"}
<Name> ::= <Letter>(<Letter>|<Digit>)*
<Number> ::= {"+"|"-"}(<Digit>|<DigitNoZero><Digit>+)
<Digit> ::= "0"|<DigitNoZero>
<DigitNoZero> ::= "1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"
<Letter> ::= [a-zA-Z]
<NewLine> ::= "\n"|"\r"|"\r\n"
As you can see, this BNF treats no Whitespace beside NewLine
. Before the parsing begins I plan to remove all whitespace (beside NewLine
of course) from the string to parse. It is not nessesary for the parser anyway.
There are 4 things, that might lead to problems when using this language as defined right now and I hope you can help me figure out appropriate solutions:
, <Summand>
, <Factor>
and <Call>
.Using hand and brain I could successfully parse the following test cases:
Please help to improve the BNF, that it can be used to successfully write a calculator.
edit: This BNF is really not finished. It does not treat the cases "2+-3" (should fail, but doesn't) and "2+(-3)" (should not fail, but does) correctly.
The gramar treats variables and functions exactly the same way. Most programming languages make a difference. Is it nessesary to differentiate here?
Being able to treat the result of a function invocation exactly the same as a local variable or a constant expression is precisely the point of defining (mathematical) functions in the first place. I can't imagine the use of a grammar that allowed functions but didn't treat
1 + 1
exactly the same as
1 + a
1 + sin(x)