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Using cuSPARSE in nvGraph as the connection matrix?

Title pretty much says it all and I can't find any documentation about this online. I'm interested in implementing a few graph oriented algorithms and my connection matrices are getting rather huge. Is there a way to use cuSPARSE to remove the large amounts of redundancy in my connection matrix? (Since each vertex is connected to really at most 5 others).

I've already implemented graph partitioning to segment and reduce the size of my connection matrix but that leaves me with roughly a 256 x 256 matrix, about half of which is zeros. (Eg: No connection)


  • nvGRAPH is a new CUDA library available in the CUDA 8RC toolkit. Since CUDA 8RC is a release candidate, not a production release version, the documentation for it only exists in PDF form, not officially online, and these PDF documents are installed when you install the CUDA 8 RC toolkit.

    The particular document relative to this new library is nvGRAPH_Library.pdf, the location of which will vary depending on whether you install the CUDA 8RC toolkit on windows or linux, and options you select during the install process.

    Is there a way to use cuSPARSE to remove the large amounts of redundancy in my connection matrix?

    In fact, the only way to specify the graph topology (which I think is equivalent to your "connection matrix") is via a compressed sparse method. The actual method you use (CSC or CSR) is specified during nvGRAPH configuration/initialization, using the nvgraphTopologyType_t enum:

    2.2. nvGRAPH graph topology types
    Graphs toplogy types. Defines storage format. Some algorithms can work only with
    specific topology types, see algorithms descriptions for the list of supported topologies.
    typedef enum
    NVGRAPH_CSR_32 = 0,
    NVGRAPH_CSC_32 = 1,
    } nvgraphTopologyType_t;
    Topology types
    NVGRAPH_CSR_32 Compressed Sparse Rows format (row major format). Used
    in SrSPMV algorithm. Use nvgraphCSRTopologyX_t topology
    structure for this format.
    NVGRAPH_CSC_32 Compressed Sparse Column format (column major format).
    Used in SSSP, WidestPath and Pagerank algorithms. Use
    nvgraphCSCTopologyX_t topology structure for this format.

    This particular enum type would normally be passed to nvGRAPH during initial graph configuration:

    // Set graph connectivity and properties (transfers)
    nvgraphSetGraphStructure(handle, graph, (void*)CSC_input,NVGRAPH_CSC_32);

    More complete code samples/examples are given in the nvGRAPH documentation PDF document in chapter 3 starting on 20, and there are new nvGRAPH sample codes provided in the CUDA 8RC sample codes installation such as nvgraph_Pagerank, nvgraph_SemiRingSpMV, and nvgraph_SSSP (Single Source Shortest Path).

    Normal NVIDIA practice is to make these documents available publicly (e.g. here) at the point when the toolkit goes to a production release status.

    EDIT: with the release of CUDA 8, these documents referenced above are now publicly available.