I have a view which creates components dynamically in a partial view and in some cases these components need to be read only. I've managed it successfully with other components using the code below
$(document).ready(function () {
if("@Model.IsUnderReview" == "True") {
document.getElementById("textbox_" + "@Model.ID").disabled = true;
However in this case they are created in a loop and there could be any number of them. How do I take the code below and set it as read only?
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Configuration.First(c => c.ID == config.ID && c.ProductRow == config.ProductRow).TextboxEntry, new Dictionary<string, object>{
{"id", "infoTextbox_" + Model.NumberOfDuplicates + "_" + config.ID},
{"configid", (config.ID + Model.NumberOfDuplicates)},
{"onchange", "HandleChange($(this))"}})
I've tried inserting @readonly = "readonly" but I either got the syntax wrong as it didn't work.
If you just want to add it in the htmlAttributes:
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Configuration.First(c => c.ID == config.ID && c.ProductRow == config.ProductRow).TextboxEntry, new Dictionary<string, object>{
{"id", "infoTextbox_" + Model.NumberOfDuplicates + "_" + config.ID},
{"configid", (config.ID + Model.NumberOfDuplicates)},
{"onchange", "HandleChange($(this))"}}, new { @disabled = "disabled"})